Category Coding

Creating a Simple and Effective 404 Page

Go ahead and take a look at the design of this 404 page; as you can see it is very clear. I have specifically chosen something so simple and clear so that we don’t get lost in the unnecessary bells…

How to Create a Simple HTML5 Contact Form

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a very simple, to the point contact form that will be very easy for you to understand. Creating a form in HTML5 only differs slightly as HTML5 brings in a…

Introducing LESS

LESS is a CSS pre-processor, which means that it composes styles in a dynamic fashion. By allowing you to create a library of variables, functions and other effects, LESS makes CSS writing more efficient by making it easier and faster.

How does the Float Property Work

Float property is, in fact, a very useful property that in a way is an alternative method to manipulating the way elements are displayed. It is a highly valued asset within a developer’s toolkit as it makes stylizing simpler. However,…