How Web Designers can Transition into Coding

Getting started as a web designer requires weeks or even months of practice and dedication. There are so many unique aspects in designing graphics for the web, you may often feel out of place. But one step towards feeling more…

CSS Box-Sizing for Noobies

Box-sizing basically is an alternative to the standard box model we have in CSS. To fully understand box-sizing you need to understand the box model. Practically, they work just about the same but there is one key difference – one…

How to Optimize Your Web Designs for Retina Devices

Retina displays are becoming much more common amongst tech enthusiasts. The Apple iPad and iPhone 4 introduced the retina displays and changed the face of modern technology and modern web design. Using these newer screens the pixel density is double…

Learn How to Create Shapes in CSS3

Since CSS shapes are becoming more important to website development, I thought that a simple list of how to create the most common shapes was in order. You’ll find that most of these shapes are very simple to achieve and…

59 Beautifully Designed Retro and Vintage Logos

Retro and vintage has been a trend in web design for some time now, and shows no signs of going out of fashion. It therefore follows, that this style is also trending in logo design. There is a lot of…