Category Business

Seven Creative Benefits of Working on Side Projects

Recently I’ve been hearing more about other creatives’ side projects. A side project is a small, usually personal, project one takes on in spare time. Among designers and developers this is becoming more and more popular.

The What, Why and How of User Personas

One of the few proven ways to be successful in any business is to understand your customer’s needs and deliver quality products or services that satisfy those needs in the best way possible. Yes, it does sound too bookish but…

6 Successful Ways to Manage Your Design Projects

Did you know that disorganization, lack of resources and scope creep are among the top reasons why your projects fail? Regardless of whether you are a member of the design community or a different field altogether you probably already know…

How To Balance your Skills Between Design and Code

Web designers and developers are usually seen working together on various projects. Designers end up following a path of creating pixels, while developers pick up the frontend and backend coding techniques. If you find yourself leaning towards either side then…

Social Media Techniques for Building Viral Marketing

Every website needs some form of marketing to initially garner a responsive audience. You want participating users on your website to offer feedback, utilize all your services, and put your website to good use. But there are so many techniques…

Reclaim Your Productivity with Flexible Time Blocks

For many freelancers, the inability to keep some semblance of a regular schedule in the midst of a chaotic existence is a constant source of anxiety and lack of productivity. Insomnia, sudden and frequent interruptions, visiting family, travelling for weddings,…

How Web Designers can Transition into Coding

Getting started as a web designer requires weeks or even months of practice and dedication. There are so many unique aspects in designing graphics for the web, you may often feel out of place. But one step towards feeling more…