Luís Frias

Luís Frias is a web developer and trainer with over 25 years of experience.

Useful and Free CSS Tools

Learning to write CSS is one thing, learning to adjust and tweak it to perfection is quite another.

25 Illustrator Tutorials Every Designer Should Try

Illustrator is the best software for creating vector images, and vector images are the best type of images for web design – so it follows that designers should have a very good grasp of Illustrator.

A Collection of Useful Sites for Designers

There are a lot of sites for inspiration, resources and tools that designers would find very useful, so today we have rounded up some of the very best, and hopefully there will be some that you haven’t yet come across…

Cheat Sheets for Frontend Developers

Cheat sheets are amazingly handy quick reference resources that are time saving and educational, so we should probably all use them at one time or another.