Paula Borowska

Importance of Emotional Design in Web Design

Oftentimes we are trying to create a great user experience. Usually this means smoothing out frustrations where we are actually ensuring good usability and not necessarily a good user experience.

How to Use Vertical Rhythm to Your Advantage?

Typography is a big part of any design, especially web or app design. Vertical rhythm is the alignment of lines of text in terms of text size and the spacing between the lines. It is often used to organize text…

What are CSS filters and How do They Work?

To be honest some properties out there are a little ridiculous, CSS filters are one of them. They have an amazing capacity to transform images and webpages as a whole. That’s intense when you come to think about it, as…

What are Media Queries and How Do They Work

CSS3 introduced a new concept, media queries, which revolutionized the web. Media queries allow the presentation of the content to be manipulated to a range of devices without actually changing the content itself.

The Basic Anatomy of a Brand Style Guide

Style guides were originally created for printed publications to establish a consistent usage of layout and language by a variety of contributors. Today, branding style guides have a similar purpose to establish consistency but of a company’s brand instead.

Creating a Simple and Effective 404 Page

Go ahead and take a look at the design of this 404 page; as you can see it is very clear. I have specifically chosen something so simple and clear so that we don’t get lost in the unnecessary bells…

How to Create a Simple HTML5 Contact Form

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a very simple, to the point contact form that will be very easy for you to understand. Creating a form in HTML5 only differs slightly as HTML5 brings in a…